A Lenten Invitation

God of Love, open our hearts on this Lenten journey to know that death is part of life, that life seeks more life, and that the fullness of life is ahead.

Give us the spiritual energy to be attentive to our hearts, to trust the power within us to become more than what we are.

Awaken us to the freedom of love, so we can be part of the creative power of Your love.

Breathe the new life of freedom within us so that we may let go of all that hinders us from You.

Help us to be made whole where truth can shine through our bodies, compassion flow through our hands, and justice move our hearts.

Help us to realize that what we are and what we do shapes the world, and to realize that the world will become new when we become new.

Shine Your radiating light within so that we may no longer walk in darkness but push forward to new frontiers and new horizons.

Awaken us to know You more deeply, because to know You is to realize that the future has already arrived.

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  1. anthony nicholls on March 4, 2020 at 7:48 am

    The practice of Centering Prayer in contemplation has helped me greatly to understand your books and especially your U Tube presentations and through these media, Teilhard has become so much more clear, understandable and such a blessing..
    I now see Teilhard almost for the first time in my life – correctly
    your dealing with and understanding of various great thinkers in philosophy and science, has helped me greatly
    And the Paschal Mystery becomes more of a blessing
    Thank you Illia.

  2. Mary Pat Jones on February 29, 2020 at 10:01 pm

    Yes, I feel the love, the energy, the beauty and the truth of your words. I have more to give because of the Omega Center. Thank you! Blessings to you all!

  3. Valerie on February 25, 2020 at 8:50 pm

    Beautiful. Thank you!


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